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-Inheritors of the power of the dragons, Apostles can burn away corruption from a body or from the land itself. They're both a support and offensive class, using 'holy fire' to fight or heal depending on the situation. Typically don't use weapons, prefer polearms when they do. Light weight armor generally.

Beast Tamer

-Capable of either taming or full on controlling the animals of the universe, Beast Tamers can call upon these creatures for assistance in anything from battle to everyday tasks. Every creature they tame is bonded to them and can be summoned anywhere at anytime. They can also exert some temporary control over corrupted beasts, but this puts them in danger of becoming corrupted in the process. Ranged weapons, polearms, and light-weight blades preferred. Can wear any armor type.


-Grapplers channel pure fighting spirit to defeat their opponents. A purely offensive class, Grapplers do not use weapons and only wear light armor. Pretty standard.


-The voice of an Enchanter can have a magical effect when they want it to. A support class, Enchanters are very convincing, a skill they typically use to encourage their comrades-in-arms to victory. Some say that high level Enchanters can even convince stones to give water, this has never been proven though. They do however prove to be very good diplomats. Enchanters tend to use area-of-effect or ranged weaponry and light armor.


-Slayers of beasts, Hunters are excellent tacticians and trackers who won't stop until they've captured their prey. Persistence is their greatest asset. Hunters are an offensive and stealth class. They make amazing strategists and scouts. They exclusively use ranged weapons and light bladed weapons. Light armor preferred.


-The ultimate defenders of their Worlds, Knights level their enemies with skill and precision. Able to deal out the most physical damage of any class. Tend towards heavy weapons and armor, but can use any kind of equipment.


-With an understanding of the basic building blocks that make up all The Worlds, Scholars are able to manipulate them to their will with a word or even a simple movement in ways that seem entirely impossible. In battle they wield these skills to great offensive effect. They use light weaponry if any and wear light armor.

Thread Tracer

-Guides and explorers of the Abyss, Thread Tracers can see the threads that connect the worlds. An Offensive and Support class, they have minor healing abilities and can grant others temporary resistance to corruption. They prefer long range or area-of-effect weaponry. Light armor is easier to move in in the Abyss.


-A stealth class, prefer tactical traps and ambushes to outright fighting. Incredibly precise and have a higher chance of success at spotting traps than other classes. They can gain the ability to turn invisible and create illusions. They're excellent spies, scouts, and engineers. Prefer light weaponry and light armor.


-With a deep connection to the Worlds, Witches carefully craft potions and enchant weaponry and armor to support themselves and their fellows. Witches are a majority support class and are only capable of any fighting prowese through weaponry they enchant. For potions they often need to gather ingredients frequently from dangerous places so they work best in a team. Witches tend not to use weaponry or armor at all, relying on offensive potions and curses.

Corrupted Classes


-Terrifying and ghostly, Emmisaries wield corruption like Apostles wield Dragon Magic. They are prolific vectors for the Corruption as they often have the strength of Abyssal Dragons behind them.


-Finding a home among corrupted Beasts, Feral are often accompanied by an army of monsters. They lose all ability to speak and behave more like untamed Beasts than Players. Ferals are most known for their tendency to try to eat uncorrupted Players. Very often they are corrupted when attempting to manipulate a corrupted Beast.


-Brawlers tend to be zombie-like in their corruption, attempting to spread the corruption by chasing after uncorrupted Players and Beasts. The scariest thing about them is that they're the only corrupted still capable of stealing chances from uncorrupted Players.









Dark Breaker



-A Player stumbling across an abandoned World should be wary of the presence of a Devil. Devils do not chase their prey but play twisted games with them until they no longer trust their own senses and then at last they strike. Like this Devils are able to kill or corrupt large groups of Players with wicked efficiency. Their antics are often mistaken for the work of Dominions keeping the legend alive.
